Upcoming events.

Ki te Apopo - for our future generations
A jam packed day to explore study options, interactive activities and access to a range of health and wellbeing information and career pathways, initiated and led by the desires of rangatahi for rangatahi, including:
-Key Note Speakers
-A range of Expo Displays Trades, Training, Education and Health
Click on this link for more information and visit our official website!

Te Ara Hauora
An 8-week program to further develop Rangatahi to explore participate in kaupapa supporting their own Hauora.
For more information or to register, contact: oranga@nhoo.nz

Te Ara Hauora
An 8-week program to further develop Rangatahi to explore participate in kaupapa supporting their own Hauora.
For more information or to register, contact: oranga@nhoo.nz

Te Ara Hauora
An 8-week program to further develop Rangatahi to explore & participate in kaupapa supporting their own Hauora.
For more information or to register, contact: oranga@nhoo.nz

Te Ara Hauora
An 8-week program to further develop Rangatahi to explore participate in kaupapa supporting their own Hauora.
For more information or to register, contact: oranga@nhoo.nz

Te Ara Hauora
An 8-week program to further develop Rangatahi to explore participate in kaupapa supporting their own Hauora.
For more information or to register, contact: oranga@nhoo.nz

Ngā Hapū o Ōtaki Board Appointments
E ngā mana, e ngā reo, e ngā karangatanga maha, tēnā koutou katoa, Ka nui te mihi aroha ki a koutou katoa.
We warmly invite all members to attend a Special General Hui of Ngā Hapū o Ōtaki Inc Society (NHoŌ) to discuss and appoint nominated members to our new board for the next 3 year term. Your voice and participation are essential as we move forward together in the best interests of our hapū and whānau.
The agenda for the hui can be found by clicking here
This is a pivotal moment for NHoO as we strengthen our governance and representation to ensure the future prosperity of our hapū and iwi.
Please RSVP to office@nhoo.nz Ph: 027 642 4278
For those unable to attend in person, a zoom link is available on request.
We encourage you to join us, share your whakaaro, and contribute to this important kaupapa.
Hui Details:
📅 Date: Wed 26th February 2025
🕒 Time: 6.00pm
📍 Location: Taumanuka tari, 29 Health Camp Road, Ōtaki
Ngā mihi nui,
Ngā Hapū o Ōtaki Inc Society

Te Ara Hauora
An 8-week program to further develop Rangatahi to explore participate in kaupapa supporting their own Hauora.
For more information or to register, contact: oranga@nhoo.nz

Te Whare Whakaruruhou
An 8 week program for those seeking a new pathway and support around addictions through a Māori lens.
Contact: oranga@nhoo.nz to register.

Te Ara Hauora
An 8-week program to further develop Rangatahi to explore participate in kaupapa supporting their own Hauora.
For more information or to register, contact: oranga@nhoo.nz

Waitangi ki Taumanuka
E ngā whānau, ngā hapū, ngā iwi me ngā hāpori puta noa i tō tātou nei rohe....
Nau mai, tauti mai ki Taumanuka!
Ngā Hapū o Ōtaki in partnership with Kāpiti Coast District Council warmly welcome you to our kaupapa commemorating Waitangi Day.
This year's theme, "Ngā Taonga Tuki Iho", celebrates our treasures passed down by our tupuna through the generations....
Pōwhiri: 9am, all are welcome to attend
Āhea : 10am-3pm
Ki hea : Taumanuka, 29 Health Camp Road, Ōtaki beach
Utu: FREE!!
Bring your whānau, picnic blankets and pōtae, and come join us!
We have a range of activities on the day for our Tamariki all the way through to our kaumātua!
A variety of kai trucks and stalls, including hāngi & mussel fritters (stay tuned for pre-orders), kapa haka rōpū and regional artists to keep you entertained.
This event will be a para-kore zone. We encourage you to byo drink bottles to avoid single use plastics.
Cash in king, some stalls may offer bank transfers, but please note that eftpos will be minimal on the day.
This event supports our hapū outcomes, including celebrating whakapapa, building and maintaining whānau & community connections.
For further information, please see the webpage here https://www.ngahapuootaki.nz/panui
Supported by funding from Manatū Taonga Ministry for Culture and Heritage.

Ōtaki Summer Camp
Ōtaki Summer Camp: 17-20 Hānuere January 2025!
Three days of whanaunatanga, discussion, kotahitanga, music, and taiao.
E toru ngā rā mō te whakawhitwhiti kōrero mō ngā tōrangapū maha, te whakarongo ki ngā kaikōrero, ngā pene puoro, me ngā hīkoi ki te ngahere ki te awa hoki.
For 17-35 year olds, more or less.
Sponsored tickets available! Early bird tickets close 20 December.
Kua āhei koe ki te whiwhi karahipi hoki.

Tari Closedown Period
Our tari will be closed for the holiday period from Dec 16 - Jan 10.

Te Pātaka Kai
The next and final date for the wānanga will combine both the fishing and herb gardening sessions.
Heoi, join us on the 15th of December for our final wānanga - learning to grow, preserve, process kai and take these skills home to your whare and whānau!
Date: Sunday 15 December
Time: 11am - 2pm
Location: Taumānuka Tari - Otaki Health Camp (29 Health Camp Road)
Register your interest: oranga@nhoo.nz
Let's nurture our whānau and pātaka kai together!

Ōtaki Vibes Pool Party
We are back on e te iwi with an end of year pool party!
A free whānau event for everyone to enjoy!
Bring your whānau, tamariki, & mates along to celebrate all the hard mahi you've achieved over the year!
Saturday 14 December
1pm - 4pm
Ōtaki Pools

Pua o Te Rēinga Wānanga
Nau mai, e rarau ki tēnei taonga, ko Pua o Te Rēinga.
He pānui tēnei ki ngā tangata whenua e noho ana ki tēnei rohe – this is an invitation to attend a one-day wānanga to reconnect ā-iwi and continue our kōrero on re-establishing a flourishing network of Pua o Te Rēinga across the rohe.
Mā wai: Come and learn about this taonga and engage in ongoing kōrero to reestablish Pua o Te Rēinga in this rohe.
The morning session will be aimed at kōrero ā-iwi, and we invite our tangata tiriti whānau to join us for the afternoon discussions.
Āhea: Rātapū 8 o Hakihea, 9.30am – 3.30pm
(Sunday 8 Dec, 9:30am - 3:30pm)
Kī hea: Ngā Manu Nature Reserve, 74 Ngā Manu Reserve Road, Waikanae, Wellington
Rehitā: please register by following this link by Friday 6th December: https://arcg.is/ie8Ov0
Key kaupapa kōrero:
1. He aha?: What is Pua o Te Rēinga?;
2. Hononga: background to the 2020 translocation and 2021 wānanga;
3. Mauri Tūhono: Regional Biodiversity Strategy for Te Upoko o Te Ika;
4. Aroturuki: Our first monitoring at Te Māra a Tāne and Ōtari will happen in Kohitātea + Pepuere 2025;
5. Rangahau: Aaria Dobson-Waitere has started her PhD rangahau on re-indigenising taonga species translocations and she looks forward to sharing more details with you all!

Kaumātua Christmas Lunch
Kaumātua Christmas Lunch
We’re excited to invite all our Kaumātua to a special NHoŌ Christmas Lunch...
When: Wednesday, 4th December
Where: Raukawa Marae
Time: Starting at 12:00pm
A time to share delicious kai & engage in whakawhānaungatanga
Kaumātua mā, come and join us!
RSVP by 1st December by contacting our oranga team
Phone: 021 127 8136
Email: oranga@ngahapuootaki.nz

Te Whare Whakaruruhau - Mana Wāhine
Wāhine mā! This ones for you!
A journey of empowerment, connection, and resilience.
Join us on the 6th of December as we honor the connections between wāhine me te wai
For further information or to register, contact our Oranga team:
Phone: 021 127 8136
Email: oranga@ngahapuootaki.nz
Taaringaroa, Ōtaki

Ōtaki Vibes Pool Party
Bring your inflatables and jump into the Ōtaki Vibes pop up event…
Back to Kura Pool Party!!!
All are welcome!
Free entry and sausage sizzle!

Hauora Rangatahi 2-Day Wānanga
A 2 day wānanga for our taiohi to connect with their peers focused on hauora for rangatahi.
Meaningful discussions, interactive activities, and exploring pathways to wellness.
Wednesday Oct 9th - Thursday Oct 10th
10am-2pm each day
📍Taumānuka (29 Health Camp Road)

Te Raukura Movie Night
Te Raukura Rangatahi presents - “Te Raukura Movie Night Fundraiser”
Nau mai, tauti mai!
📍Ōtaki Memorial Hall
6pm -9pm
Koha Entry

Ōtaki River Planting Day
I takina e Haunui a Nananaia i tana tokotoko, ko Ōtaki e!
Our Taiao team along with GWRC have organised a Hapū planting day at the Ōtaki river.
This is an opportunity for whakawhanaungatanga between all our hapū whānau & give back to our awa.
This will be out the north end of the awa near the Chrystalls Bend Walkway, just east of the new expressway bridge.
Parking will be available along the driveway as gates will be open to drive in to the location.
Bring your gumboots, spades and gloves along!
This planting is for hapū members only, due to a limited supply of plants.
GWRC will provide a light morning tea.

Kaumātua ki Ōtaki ropu
Held weekly on a Wednesday from our Taaringaroa tari.
Our program changes to meet the needs of our Kaumatua from whanaungatanga, ūkaipotanga, manaakitanga, health checkups, kaumātua olympics, civil emergency and other important kaupapa that is relevant to keeping us connected and safe.
For more information or to register please contact 021 127 8136 or email Kelilaina.Tahiwi-Stowers@nhoo.nz

Housing workshop
Ngā Hapū o Ōtaki are hosting 2 housing workshops featuring Justin from MSD, where we’ll discuss your concerns and provide assistance. Whether you need guidance or simply want to share your thoughts, these workshops are the perfect opportunity to engage in meaningful conversation about housing-related issues.
For further information or booking slots, please email Kelilaina.Tahiwi-Stowers@nhoo.nz

Kaumātua ki Ōtaki ropu
Held weekly on a Wednesday from our Taaringaroa tari.
Our program changes to meet the needs of our Kaumatua from whanaungatanga, ūkaipotanga, manaakitanga, health checkups, kaumātua olympics, civil emergency and other important kaupapa that is relevant to keeping us connected and safe.
For more information or to register please contact 021 127 8136 or email Kelilaina.Tahiwi-Stowers@nhoo.nz

Te Whare Whakaruruhau
A 8 week program for those seeking a new pathway and support around addictions through a Māori lens.
Email: Kelilaina.Tahiwi-Stowers@nhoo.nz

Te Whare Whakaruruhau
A 8 week program for those seeking a new pathway and support around addictions through a Māori lens.
Email: Kelilaina.Tahiwi-Stowers@nhoo.nz
Kaumātua ki Ōtaki
🌟 Exciting News! Kaumātua ki Ōtaki Rōpū is Back! 🌟
Get ready to reunite and reconnect! Our beloved Kaumatua ki Ōtaki Rōpū returns next week, starting Wednesday, 31st July at Taaringaroa.
Calling all kaumātua! Join us for enriching discussions, laughter, and community bonds.
📅 Starting Wednesday, 31st July
📍 Taaringaroa ( 88 Mill Road,Ōtaki )
📞 To register or for more info, call 021 127 8136 or email kelilaina.Tahiwi-Stowers@nhoo.nz

Parahamuti Planting Day
Nau mai, haere mai
Join us to help plant Parahamuti, an extensive wetland restoration project concentrating on rewetting wetlands back to their natural state.
Together we’ll be planting kahikatea, harakeke, ti kouka and pukio. Over time, the wetland will start to filter water and transform into a flourishing habitat for native birds, fish and insects.
This is a chance for us to come together and celebrate collaboration between Greater Wellington, Ngā Hapū o Ōtaki, Fonterra and Kāpiti Coast District Council.
Parahamuti Planting Day Itinerary
When: Wednesday 24 July, 10:00am (postponement: Thursday 25 July)
Where: 183 Te Horo Beach Road, first left after the one-lane bridge on Te Horo Beach Road. Signage will show you the way.
What to bring:
Gumboots or sturdy boots that can get wet
Warm layers and wet weather gear
A spade if you have one
Gardening gloves
Kai will be provided. For on-farm biosecurity, there will be a boot wash station before you enter the site. Please note, toilets will not be available.
Please get in touch with Jamie - jamie.peryer@gw.govt.nz to confirm your attendance.